Awaiting to meet you

Monday, August 10, 2015

To my better half who has yet to appear in my life
I don't know when I will ever meet you
I don't know how our paths are gonna cross
But I definitely know something
That when we finally meet, everything will fall into place

To my soulmate whom I will spend the rest of my life with
We might have our imperfections and flaws
We might quarrel every other week
But something's for sure
That despite our differences, we will be perfect for each other

Right now, I am preparing myself to be ready for you
Making myself a better person
Letting go of negative emotions 
Gearing up to be perfect for you
Because I know that you are doing the same thing too

Life's always full of pleasant surprises
That no matter how hard you try to plan your future
Somehow things don't always go according to plan
I gave up planning long ago
Because I know that embracing spontaneity means meeting you

It does not matter what others may think of me
Bossy, demanding, difficult, crazy or strong-headed
That's coz I don't just show my vulnerable side to anyone
I want only you to see this side of me
You, the one who accepts me for me

And when we finally meet, I am sure of something
That we will have endless things to talk about
That just a glance is enough to know what's on your mind
That companionable silence is more than enough
I am sure sparks will fly and last a lifetime

To my best friend / lover / lifetime companion
Whenever you are ready, I will be ready too
We might still be strangers now
But when the time finally comes
I will love you with all I have

9:18 PM

What turning 28 means… (to me, at least)

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

It's been almost half a year since my last post. So many things have happened within a short span of 6 months and I have learnt a lot.

Well, I am not 28 yet (nearly there, but not yet). Just had a compelling feeling to pen down my thoughts to remember this magic number. After our mid-twenties, time just seems to fly. Just in between my mid-twenties and the next big 30, this is the age where people come to a crossroads. Talk about quarter-life crisis. Choose between focusing on your career or settling down and starting a family. Of course, some say you can have the best of both worlds. But really, how many of us can really have our cake and eat it at the same time?

My career definitely isn't at its peak yet and I am still trying my best to work hard. I am aware of how difficult I can be at work and I am trying to improve on that. With lesser things on my plate, it gives me more time to do self-reflection and rethink my future plans. Speaking of plans and age, we all grow wiser with time and learn to let go of negative things with a more mature mindset. When things don't go  according to plan, I learnt to go with the flow and make the best out of what I have. Keeping a positive mindset in whatever I do is something that I have been making a conscious effort to achieve.

When I was 25, I was hot-headed and always raring to go. Fast forward three years later, so much has changed and I think the 25-year-old me would be proud of myself today. Time really mellowed me. Still rash at times, but I think I have better self-control today. With more discipline and determination, I have taken the longer route to realize that we all have flaws and that we should always try to be a better person.

At the age of 28, I have realized that people won't change. It's a fact. At least not when they themselves are convinced that they are perfectly fine the way they are. Sure, we can be fine. But why stop at fine? Why not push yourself to be someone better? I am trying to push myself to be a better person, constantly reminding myself to be less harsh towards others. Hopefully, I will become a better person in time to come.

It's all about expectations and acceptance. When you don't have any expectations of someone, you accept him/her as he/she is, without any complaints. But when you start having expectations, that's where the problems surface. You pick on their faults (it might not even be a fault, it's just not conforming with your inner norms) and you start getting upset with them. At the end of the day, expectations are what make people unhappy. So I learnt not to have any. And I end up being happier :)

As we approach the big three-o, we will set goals for ourselves and work hard towards it. I haven't set any, except perhaps to give it my best shot in whatever I do and try to be a better person everyday. Hopefully, I will be a nicer person at 30 than I am today.

At 28, we have gained some working experience to know how to interact with one another without losing our true self. We are still bubbling with the energy of a twenties-year-old but yet wiser than most of them. So why not make the best out of our age?

Turning 28 means no more nonsense and no more wasting time on non-value added activities. That means to spend time with people who truly matter to you, to spend time doing things that you truly enjoy and to work hard towards your goals. Turning 28 means taking time to reflect what have we not done well in the past and then try to work harder in the future because there's no better time than now. Before we get caught under the daily grind of life, seize this time to think through what could we have done better and try not to repeat the same mistakes.

8:00 PM

Back to writing…….

Saturday, December 27, 2014

In the mood for some blogging today.. =)

Time and tide waits for no man
Friends come and go all the time
Only true ones stay
I want to make real friends, not mere acquaintances
Only time will set true ones apart from the rest

We will make mistakes in life
If only we learn not to repeat them
We will need time to reflect on our mistakes
If only time is on our side
To wait for us to learn from our mistakes and grow up

Some spend all their lives looking for a soulmate
Others got lucky and found theirs in a while
We all yearn for a lifetime of happiness
But I won't try too hard to seek anymore
Let nature take its course

As the year comes to a close
Let's take time to learn from the happenings in 2014
Before we welcome the new year with new dreams
And take charge of our life in 2015
For no one will be responsible for our lives, except us

I haven't given up on blogging and penning down my thoughts
I just don't have many happy thoughts and happenings to share
With 2015 just round the corner, I hope to make more happy memories with my loved ones
Cherish all that I have, count my blessings and work even harder 

Not really able to post pictures onto my blog because I got lazier at taking pictures and most of them are already posted on my IG. So do follow me @everythinginred to see more pictures!

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11:13 PM

Recent updates

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Hi guys.

It's been a while since my last blog entry in late August. A lot has happened recently. Details won't be shared publicly, at least not for the time being. My close friends already know. But I am just feeling emo and decided to blog a summary!

1) Family

My brother is away in Taiwan for a semester and so it's down to the three of us at home. My parents Skype with him on a regular basis but I can only join if I am at home early. Luckily there's a family group chat on Whatsapp and I felt that our small family of four has never been closer! The group chat has been really active with everyone sharing their daily bits =)

Recently, I have been trying to spend more time with my parents. I realized that I have neglected them for the past 9 years. Ok not exactly neglect, but perhaps not spending as much time as I would have liked. So right now, I am making an effort to spend more time with them if I am not working. 

Family is top on my list right now. Anyone can say anything negative about you, laugh at you or leave you. But not family. They will always be there for me. Through laughs and jokes, we show our concern for each other in a subtle way. We don't say "I love you mom and dad" everyday. But we care about them and we want to hear about their interesting stories and life experiences. 

I am so thankful for my parents. Things haven't been going well sometime back and when I broke the news to them, their reaction was nothing like I had expected. I thought they might blast out at me for my decision. Instead, they only asked if I was sure of my decision and whether I was ready to let everything go. They have been very understanding and open-minded. Thanks Mom and Dad. I love you guys (including Nick) to the moon and back!

2) Work

Ever since I started work at the new firm, it has been crazy. There don't seem to be a lull period. A lot of expectations to meet, work to clear, staff to manage, etc. I had good news in August and was promoted in September =) Just happy that my efforts paid off.

We are already into the peak period right now and I am very tired everyday. There's never a moment of peace in office because there are always problems to be solved, people to talk to, emails to clear, computations to review.

Having said the above, I still find my current job fulfilling and am thankful for my fellow peers. We complain and whine together everyday and get the job done. Staff might not have been helpful but I am so glad to have some fellow colleagues to help each other out. 

It's only gonna get tougher as we get nearer to the filing deadline but I will press on! So if you text me and I don't reply, it can only mean two things: I am either too tired or too busy to reply. HAHA!

3) Personal 

It's been two months. Since it happened. Honestly, I feel lighter and happier. I have been too burdened for too long. Till I reached the breaking point. Sometimes it's better for everyone to let go. No one said that letting go will be easy. No one said that stepping out of your comfort zone will be easy. But I plucked up the courage and made the first move because I am already very tired.

I am moving on. I am thankful for my close friends who have been there for me. Very supportive friends (you know who you are) I have! 

After this, I don't know what's my future plan anymore. I can only take one step at a time and hope for something good to happen. I won't force anything to happen and let nature take its course. Maybe things will fall into place on its own. 

And so, that sums up my life for the past few months. Back to the bed now. Weather's too good not to sleep in after a heavy breakfast. Haha!

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12:12 PM

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